Join our leaders



November 21, 2024

The Dare Education Foundation is pleased to announce an open call for Dare County residents to join its Board of Directors.

Joining the Board now is a chance to be part of a dynamic time for Dare Education Foundation as we work on new initiatives to support local educators and enhance educational opportunities across Dare County Schools. We are eager to welcome community members who bring fresh ideas and perspectives. 

The Dare Education Foundation is seeking individuals who value the importance of education in Dare County and are passionate about supporting public schools through community engagement and funding opportunities for students and teachers. 

While specific experience is not required, a background in education, leadership, event planning, finance, real estate, or non-profit management would be valuable.

Board Members are expected to contribute time, expertise, and resources to help fulfill the Foundation’s mission. They play a crucial role in setting policy, strategic planning, and supporting fundraising efforts. 

The Board of Directors meets bi-monthly, with additional bi-monthly Committee meetings. Board members may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms.

“If you’re passionate about strengthening our local schools and helping educators and students thrive, we encourage you to consider joining our team,” said Board Chair Mary Robinson. “We are looking for engaged community members who can bring new perspectives to our Foundation and help us make a lasting impact.”

Interested individuals should complete the application form linked here. 

Each application will be reviewed by the Dare Education Foundation’s Governance Committee, with recommendations presented to the Board of Directors.

For questions, please email Dare Education Foundation Board President Mary Robinson at

Dare Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to funding educational initiatives for students and teachers in Dare County Schools.